What is ADHD?

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that typically causes impulsive behavior, difficulty paying attention and hyperactivity. These symptoms will present in more than one setting, meaning it will affect children at home, in school and with other activities. ADHD is largely genetic and affects 7-8% of children. There are three types of ADHD: Hyperactive-impulsive, Inattentive and Combined. 

What can you look for as a parent? 

A child with the inattentive subtype of ADHD may have trouble focusing, listening and staying organized. They may be easily distracted, or forgetful.  A child with the hyperactive-impulsive subtype of ADHD may fidget, feel restless, talk excessively and interrupt. A child with the combined type will have difficulty with both inattention and hyperactivity. These difficulties will affect their social and academic activities. Sometimes symptoms of ADHD look like behavioral, academic, emotional struggles, or a learning disability

What can you do if there is a concern? 

Make note of specific challenges at home or reports from teachers to discuss with your child’s pediatrician. The pediatrician can evaluate to make sure there are no other medical problems causing your child’s behavioral challenges. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, allergies, and thyroid problems are some examples of issues that can look like ADHD. The pediatrician may have you and teachers fill out forms for a better understanding of the child’s challenges.  

How can we help at The Sutcliffe Clinic?

Psychological Testing

To confirm the diagnosis, assess the best ways to offer support, and also help us understand your child’s strengths.

Educational Support

Collaborating with your child’s school to ensure your child has all the appropriate resources to optimize learning.

Medical Wellness

To ensure the child’s exercise, nutrition and sleep are promoting wellness and to ensure there are no other reasons causing your child’s behavior and offer medication when necessary to support focus and attention.