Selective Mutism Program

The Selective Mutism Program at the Sutcliffe Clinic takes an interdisciplinary approach to treating children with selective mutism and anxiety. Team members have a range of expertise and collaborate to provide services that support families.

If you would like to schedule any of the listed services, please email or call (650) 941-1698.

Initial Consultation with Dr. Sutcliffe

In the initial consultation, Dr. Sutcliffe will assess for medical, behavioral and developmental concerns and work with you to develop a treatment plan.

Individual and Family Therapy

Parents and child work with a therapist in the clinic, and off-site, to treat your child’s symptoms of anxiety and selective mutism. Exposures in the community and parent coaching are a key aspect of the therapeutic intervention.

School-based Services

School-based services can include teacher and staff training, ongoing consultation with key school professionals, and push-in support in the classroom.

Medication Consultation and Management

Dr. Sutcliffe works with families to determine whether medication treatment is needed and supports families as they include medication in their treatment plan.

School and LEP Advocacy

Education Specialists support parents in navigating school accommodations, including advocating for families in the 504 and IEP process.

Intensive On-site and Off-site Treatment

Intensive treatment is typically performed for 4-5 hours a day, 3-8 days either in the clinic or off-site in the family’s community.