A strong parent-child relationship is a key factor in supporting your child’s growth, social-emotional development, learning, and wellness. Whether or not your child is having challenges related to behavior, school, emotions, friendships and making healthy choices, it is never too early to learn skills to optimize the relationships and communication within your home.
Our team of therapists provide families with skill-building tools, coaching, and interventions that foster positive communication skills. Using evidence-based approaches such as Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) or Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) we teach you ways to most effectively communicate with your child and increase desirable behaviors within your home. We help you master techniques to manage the difficult times and build your parenting confidence. We work individually with your child, use parent coaching, and work with whole families to optimize communication and collaboration within the home.
We also provide a similar form of therapy called Teacher-Child Interaction Therapy (TCIT) to help educators effectively communicate with children with unique needs. We work with schools to provide these services to their teaching staff, working with teachers in the classroom to develop a skillset for effective communication with their students.
Years of experience clearly shows the powerful impact of this approach. We look forward to partnering with you as you improve parent and child happiness, satisfaction and wellness.