School observations and consultation may be done in tandem or as a stand alone service. During a school observation, a team member will observe the child for a designated amount of time in one or multiple settings at school. Following the observation(s), a team member will provide and share recommendations designed to support the educational growth of the child at school. During a school consultation, a member of the educational team will meet or talk with one or multiple members of the school team to gain insight into the child’s experience at school. The educational team member will then provide recommendations regarding programs, services, accommodations and interventions to optimize learning.
The educational team provides classroom support for children with learning and/or behavioral needs. The educational team is available to:
- Consult and collaborate with teachers
- Provide direct push-in support for the child in the classroom
- Provide the child with the tools and skills to assist their learning based on their personal needs
Professional development is provided to teachers and school staff to address identified areas of need to support all learners. The goal of professional development is to support teachers in their own growth and learning. Through professional development, teachers will gain a better understanding of different learning and behavioral needs and hone skills to support student success. Professional development can be accessed through:
- Working one-on-one with the educational team
- Seminars or workshops at schools or in the clinic
- Customizing topics, programs and plans for professional development based on school needs