Learn About The Sutcliffe Clinic's Four Pillars of Care


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What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes difficulty with communication, social skills and certain behaviors. An exact cause of ASD is unknown but it is likely caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It affects about 1 in 68 children and is more common in boys than in girls. ASD is a lifelong disorder and is considered a spectrum disorder because the severity varies and will not look the same in every child.

What Can You Look For As A Parent?

A child with ASD might not respond to their name or make eye contact. They may face difficulty with speech or lose skills or words that they used to have before two years of age. A child with ASD can have difficulty initiating and holding conversations, or understanding social cues and facial expressions. They might also fixate on certain topics or activities, or struggle with changes in routines.

What Can You Do If There Is A Concern?

Talk to your pediatrician; they can help determine if your child needs further assessment for ASD or rule out other developmental concerns. Early intervention leads to the best outcomes so it is important to visit your pediatrician regularly and be open about any concerns you have. If your pediatrician has concerns about developmental delays or autism, they will refer you to a Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrician for further assessment. Assessment will allow you to move forward with a treatment plan to help your child progress with his or her development.

The Sutcliffe Clinic Services For Autism

  • Medical Wellness

    To support your child’s overall wellness and if necessary, for additional assistance with focus and/or anxiety.
  • Psychological Testing

    For a specific diagnosis and to assess the best ways to offer support.
  • Educational Support

    Collaborate with your child’s school to optimize accommodations and offer group programs to strengthen skills.
  • Behavioral Intervention Program

    To help children address challenges that affect how they function in their daily life.